Supernatural Amara
The original action skill build, moves quickly, decimates everything, but with a jarring playstyle.
This build was originally made to make the Downfall action skill viable, shortly after Gearbox introduced mayhem scaling in the summer of 2020. Downfall is 10/10 cool, but 2/10 in usefulness relative to Phaseslam and Tandava and Reverberation. Regardless, this build uses all of those action skills. And Downfall is actually somewhat strong, all things considered. The main problem is its cooldown, a whopping 47 seconds. In order to get around that, you need to self-dot and use the Golden Rule classmod. Yep, at heart, this is a Downfall Golden Rule build.

The single point into Infusion is so that you always have a dot on yourself of the same element as your action skill element. More on this later.
The three points into Unweave the Rainbow are there if you choose to use the Terror Cryo anoint and/or the Frozen Heart shield.
Phaseslam or Tandava or Downfall. Reverberation for bosses if you use the Reverb technique.
Whatever element is suited to the content you're facing, except for cryo. Because of the 1 point into Infusion, when you shoot your foot to dot yourself, you will cryo yourself and get slowed if you choose cryo.
A low level Sellout pistol, anointed with either the Astral Projection 200% or Slam 300% anointment, depending on which action skill you have selected. Often, you will be swapping to the Guardian Angel to activate your action skill, but you don't need to; with these anoints on the Sellout, you can cast or slam without swapping and still do great damage.
With this gun, you'll shoot your feet once or twice to dot yourself, triggering both the Golden Rule class mod and the Elemental Projector artifact.
You can get a low level anointed Sellout by finding one in Earl's vending machine on Sanctuary, after completing the quest. I was able to get to the Sellout mission on Eden 6 at level 21 by killing as few enemies as possible, meaning the Sellouts I found in Earl's vendor were also level 21. You can find an anointed one in the vendor as low as level 10, if you have a level 10 friend that is willing to come and shop the vendor for you after you've completed the quest.
Protip: turn dialog volume all the way down if you do not wish to hear Amara screaming from self-dots all of the time.
Guardian Angel, with the same Astral Projection and Slam anoints mentioned above, but optionally also one with a Terror Cryo anoint. This is for holding while you cast/slam if you want big, big damage.
Face Puncher, with a Urad anointment. This is for delivering Groundbreaker from a distance. Our action skills will be building up tons of Groundbreaker, and you can make a quick swap to this gun to erase another enemy. The Urad anointment is sort of a last ditch effort to give you more Groundbreaker if shooting the Face Puncher while in FFYL.
Free Radical, with either Consec Hits or Urad anointment.
Golden Rule, preferably with points into Laid Bare first, Mindfulness second. Probably the most essential passive to have on it is splash damage radius. Other good passives: action skill cooldown rate, action skill damage, splash damage.
The Golden Rule stacks a cooldown rate increase whenever you take damage, and this includes self damage and even self applied dot damage. So when you shoot your feet with the Sellout and dot yourself with multiple elements, you can loop your action skills fairly quickly, getting even Phaseslam to a total cooldown of about 3 seconds.
There's a few options here, but the strongest is a Re-Volter with the Action Skill Start anointment. Other fun options are the Frozen Heart and the Stinger, both with the same anoint, the latter when paired with the Static Charge artifact. If you want to use Downfall, an Action Skill Start Stop Gap is necessary so you don't get downed in mid-air.
Elemental Projector Victory Rush. Optionally, an Elemental Projector Static Charge if using the Stinger shield. The most important passive is an Area of Effect roll on either the 2nd or 3rd slot, which will also increase area radius. Other recommended passives: elemental damage, action skill cooldown rate, movement speed, melee damage (with stinger).
Mesmer or Hyperion Quasar with ASE 50% radiation bonus element. These are both great utility grenades if you need an extra second or two for your cooldown to end. The 50% radiation element is important, as that's another element to dot ourselves with when shooting the Sellout. This 50% damage will also get added to Groundbreaker.
If using the Terror Cryo Guardian Angel, then have one of these grenades with ASE Apply Terror anointment.
First, set your Sellout element (between fire and corrosive) to a different element than your action skill element. Why? Because if your action skill element is, say, fire, and your Sellout is also fire, when you shoot at your feet you'll only get a fire dot. But if you changed the Sellout to corrosive, you'll get both corrosive and fire dots, the first from the gun and the second from fire Infusion on the gun. That's two dots, doubling the effectiveness of the Golden Rule's cooldown. When your ASE 50% radiation anoint is procced, that's a third dot. If you're using the Re-Volter, that's a fourth dot. The Sellout WILL dot you within a shot or two, because it fires three projectiles, each with a base 72% status effect chance, which gets further boosted by Violent Tapestry. So don't spam it at your feet.
Anyway, start off your encounters by firing a shot or two at your feet. If you want big damage, swap to the Guardian Angel and activate your action skill. If you don't care that much, just keep holding the Sellout. After your action skill, find a target for your Groundbreaker and either punch, slam, or Face Punch it. Repeat these steps as necessary - just make sure you stay dotted with the Sellout. Anima will keep those dots on you for a decent length of time. Remember, the dots are not only for your cooldown, but also for lots of Elemental Projector damage.
None of the action skills used in this build make direct contact with Hemovorous. You can see this by trying to Phasecast at him; it just passes right through. Instead, splash him with Phaseslam. Go wild with it, actually. If you slam while there's a bunch of pods/eggs out, they'll explode and deal lots of damage to Hemo. Remnant will also do some work. If you notice Hemo or Vermi getting instantly phased by a huge chunk of damage, that means Remnant hit something; immediately swap to your Face Puncher to deliver all of that Groundbreaker damage somewhere.
This build has Glamour unlocked, so you can Tandava at Guardians during the crystals phase and they'll keep themselves occupied and let you charge your square. Just don't do this while swapping to the Guardian Angel, because you'll just kill them. Stay on the Sellout.
Believe it or not, you can actually do quite a bit of damage to your health with a dot from a level 21 Sellout. That's because the Guardian Angel increases all self damage by 5x. Don't linger holding the GA for long after using your action skill. You should be swapping to the Face Puncher and/or Sellout to keep your gameplay going anyway.