Stone Swan
Non-DLC true-melee focused build.
This build is meant to give the true melee experience to everybody, no DLC required. There's a lot of true melee tech with DLC items and the DLC skill tree, but there's still a lot of fun options with base game items. This build allows several different gameplay styles, some easier, some more challenging. It goes back to basics, calling on tech I've used throughout my time crafting true melee builds. It's the Stone Swan. Hey, that's me! Hopefully the name won't lead to any confusion...

Typical green tree melee skills, red to Sustainment, and blue increases action skill damage and cryo efficiency. Remnant is a very helpful skill, but that will be picked up through your class mod.
Phaseslam or Ties That Bind. Which of these you choose depends on how much challenge you want. Ties That Bind makes killing groups and controlling the field very simple, and is recommended for harder content such as true takedowns. Phaseslam is more thematic, and gives you Samsara stacks as a bonus. Either one of these action skills will proc Glamour on every enemy affected, allowing you to punch without much trouble.
Whatever is suited to the content you are facing.
Psycho Stabber, with Terror Cryo anointment. The cryo bonus element will help freeze enemies through punching. It will also apply to Static Charge chains and your action skill (Phaseslam or Ties That Bind links).
Face Puncher, with Terror Cryo anointment. For flying enemies or anything else that seems out of reach or annoys you. This is a true-melee focused build, but do not feel bad about using tools such as the Face Puncher; true melee has a lot of obstacles.
Psycho Stabber, with 150/90 anointment. This is for using with the Unleash The Dragon artifact.
Dragon, with at least one point into Remnant, and preferably the rest into Do Harm. Recommended passives: splash damage, splash damage radius, melee damage, action skill cooldown rate, action skill damage, weapon damage (for Face Puncher).
Whenever you melee kill an enemy, all nearby enemies will have Glamour procced on them, basically taking all aggro off of you. The ability to get Remnant through this class mod is also very important. Remnant helps clear enemies and, after it lands, gives you lots of Groundbreaker damage for your next punch.
Alternative class mod is the Phasezerker, with as many points into Anima as possible, for use with the Unleash The Dragon artifact.
There are a few options here, but the most important one is the Stinger, with ASE Apply Terror anointment. The Stinger is kind of a cop-out when it comes to true melee builds, but at least you're not using Action Skill Start on it. It will help you out when it breaks naturally, which occurs less often than you may think. Glamour controlling the battlefield means your Stinger is full, most of the time. The 50% melee damage increase that the Stinger gives while full is multiplicative with regular melee damage.
Another option is the Nova Berner, preferably with Nova parts. The novas on this shield are quite strong, and when they go off they will either kill nearby enemies or at the very least give you lots of Groundbreaker damage.
A third option is the Frozen Snowshoe. With this shield, you can slide into an enemy and proc a large nova, freezing enemies in the area. Not only is this a form of aggro relief and healing, it allows for a very powerful punch against those frozen enemies - great for pairing with the Unleash The Dragon artifact.
The last option is the classic Brawler Ward. Pair with any artifact. Make sure to turn off Shield Reboot and Emergency Response when using this one.
Elemental Stone Static Charge. Cryo Stone is recommended, for more frequent freezing through punches, but you can also element match. Recommended passives: melee damage, action skill cooldown rate, area of effect damage (in the 2nd or 3rd slot), elemental damage, move speed.
Alternative artifact would be the Unleash The Dragon. Use with the Phaseerker (that has Anima points) and a 150/90 Psycho Stabber for the greatest effect. Any of the shield options will work except the Nova Berner.
Fish Slap, with Terror Dmg/Fire Rate anointment. This is your bossing tool, or just something to throw at a lone badass you don't feel like punching several times. This build is meant to be easy-going; don't be afraid to Fish.
Start off using your action skill and then punch whatever is the most convenient target. Enemies will be affected by Glamour for a while, allowing you to basically roam freely. Throw a fish at extra tanky enemies. If you're using a Stinger, occasionally it will go off, obliterating anything near you. Face Puncher flying enemies.
Note that Glamour has some weird effects. Grenades do not make contact with Glamour'd enemies, so if you grasp one and try to throw a Fish at it, the Fish will just pass right through. Either splash a linked enemy on the ground, or wait for Grasp to end and splash the original enemy. Or just punch the grasped enemy.
Glamour will also cause some flying enemies to initiate an aerial battle with each other, making them fly high up and far apart. You may have to use the Face Puncher to take them out.