Sorceress Queen
Simple yet very effective Phasecast-centered build.
This was the build, years ago, that resulted from my discovery of the Reverberation technique. After DLC6 gear, level 72, and Expedite fix, it's quite a bit more effective and easier to play. The Reverb technique is now only needed for bossing, as Tandava is strong enough to be used for quicker mobbing. This build's damage is entirely cast-centric, and it gets recycled through Groundbreaker and Remnant.

This is basically blue tree carrying, with a little support from each of the other trees. There's some cryo-related skills for use when your action skill element is cryo.
Tandava. Reverberation for bossing, with the Reverb technique.
Whatever element is suited to the content you are facing.
Guardian Angel, with Astral Projection anointment. There is a Urad version of this build, in which case, also have a Guardian Angel with Urad anointment.
Face Puncher, x7 simply for less reloading, with 150/90 anointment. This is your tool for delivering Groundbreaker after you cast and again after Remnant lands. The 150/90 anointment helps assure enemies are 1 shot with Groundbreaker.
For the Urad setup, another Face Puncher with Urad anointment.
Because you can't cast while in FFYL, and Groundbreaker and Remnant might not be available, you have room for a couple FFYL guns, all with Urad anointment: Free Radical, Backburner, Plaguebearer, Plasma Coil.
Phasezerker, preferably with points into Clarity. The most important passive is Splash Damage Radius, to make your Tandava explosion larger. Other recommended passives: action skill damage, splash damage, action skill cooldown rate.
Re-Volter, with Action Skill Start anointment. This massive shock bonus element will not only apply to your casts, but also to your Groundbreaker. Groundbreaker is at 40% effectiveness relative to its power when this build was made, and this bonus element helps make up for it.
Frozen Heart with Action Skill Start anointment is a good option for the Deathless/Urad version of the build, where crowd control may be necessary. This will also allow Unweave The Rainbow to give you a bit more damage, as well.
The original shield option is still viable: Band of Sitorak, this time with ASE 50% Cooldown anointment. The Band of Sitorak has an extremely short recharge delay and an extremely fast recharge rate, making it the optimal shield for Topped Off uptime. So while this shield won't give you more direct damage, it will allow for more casts overall.
Snowdrift Victory Rush, most preferably with an Area Of Effect passive in the 2nd or 3rd slot, which will also increase area radius. The Snowdrift is important for mobility and avoiding damage, so that your shield can remain undamaged for Topped Off uptime. It can be swapped out for a Last Stand if you feel you need more survivability, or an Ice Breaker if you're running cryo action skill element.
If using the Urad loadout, this can be a Snowdrift or Ice Breaker or Last Stand Deathless.
Other recommended passives: action skill cooldown rate, move speed, elemental damage, health regen.
Hyperion Quasar (non sticky) or Mesmer, with ASE 50% radiation bonus element. This bonus element will apply to Groundbreaker, and the radiation dots, in tandem with Violent Tapestry, will keep your Rush stacks topped up. If you want to throw a grenade for damage, even though it's not the theme of this build, you can use a Fish Slap.
The basic loop is to cast, shoot for Groundbreaker, let Remnant hit something, shoot for Groundbreaker again, and then repeat all of those steps. Then await your cooldown by either stunning enemies with the Face Puncher's melee, throwing a crowd control grenade at them, or simply dodging out of the way with your Snowdrift.
Once you are familiar with this build, you should start aiming your Groundbreaker more deliberately. If you cast, then shoot your Groundbreaker at the same enemy that Remnant is going for, then you effectively lose two attacks. Remnant will always go toward the enemy closest to you, so get in the habit of aiming for mid-to-far enemies. You can then stun the enemy closest to you while Remnant closes the gap.
Phasecast, any variant of it, will not make contact with Hemo or Vermi's hitboxes. Use Tandava to splash the ground below/next to them, and then shoot them with the Face Puncher. Usually, Remnant or the Groundbreaker damage after Remnant are the things that end up finishing the fight for you.
This build can be made without DLC, and it will only be slightly less powerful. Hold the 150/90 Face Puncher at all times (or the Urad one, if going Urad), except in FFYL, and use the Frozen Heart or Band of Sitorak. Use this skill tree and pick any augment between Revelation, Soul Sap, and Glamour. You may have to use the Reverb technique against tougher content such as True Guardian Takedown.