Traditional red tree/blue tree Ties That Bind gun build, with a couple small twists.
I avoided making a generic red/blue Ties That Bind build for a long time, because I didn't have anything to add to the concept. After exploring gun dots, I realized I could add a little flair to it.

The way this build deviates from other builds is you max Anima and Unweave the Rainbow. Gun dots are strong, and getting up to 10 points in Anima really lets you fire and forget, and also increases the effectiveness of Radsplosions. And if you choose to use cryo guns, which don't apply a dot, you are rewarded by Unweave the Rainbow.
This build also leans into action skill damage, allowing actions skills outside of Ties That Bind to do work.
Ties That Bind. Optionally Reverberation, Tandava, or Phaseslam, all of which will deal plenty of damage on their own, and can be matched with a 250% Phasecast or 300% Phaseslam gun damage anointment on your guns for bossing.
Whatever is suited to your content, keeping in mind that 40% of your gun's damage is changed via Infusion and 18% is a bonus element from Forceful Expression. Also note that if cryo is your action skill element, Anima breaks completely and has no effect. So to take advantage of Unweave the Rainbow and also get juicy dots and radsplosions from bonus elements, use cryo guns and have your action skill element set to something else.
Any decent or strong gun, with Killstack or Consecutive Hits anointment. This build and Ties That Bind allows for quite a variety. Some of my favorites: Hellwalker, Free Radical, Crit, Sand Hawk, Bird of Prey, Major Kong, Yellowcake, Guardian Angel, Reflux, Plaguebearer, Kaoson, D.N.A., Kickcharger, Clairvoyance, Beacon, Flipper, Rowan's Call, King's/Queen's Call. Yes, you can actually shoot the Guardian Angel; it's very effective with Ties That Bind and Indiscriminate.
For bossing, any of the strongest guns with a 250% Phasecast or 300% Phaseslam gun damage anointment.
Guardian Angel, with Killstack anointment. The Killstack anointment is the only anointment that attaches to the player instead of the gun, so you can swap guns freely and the stacks will still be there, decaying over time like normal. This allows you to run Reverberation or Tandava or Phaseslam with the Killstack anointment - swap to the Guardian Angel to buff those action skills, and any kills you get will add to your Killstacks. Swap back to your gun to shoot enemies and your stacks will keep going.
Guardian Angel, with Astral Projection or Slam damage anointment. For direct bossing damage with just your action skill. Try the special Reverberation technique for even more damage.
Phasezerker, with as many points into Anima as possible. Recommended passives: weapon damage, action skill cooldown rate, splash damage, splash damage radius, weapon type damage, mag size, action skill damage.
This is also a build where the Kensei fits in nicely. Utilize Unweave the Rainbow during mobbing by having splash guns that are cryo or having your action skill element attuned to cryo. During bossing, the Kensei damage itself helps quite a lot, so element-match as best as you can. Same anointment philosophy: Killstack or Consec Hits if using Grasp, 250% Cast Gun Damage if using Reverberation. Tandava and Phaseslam are not recommended with the Kensei because of their longer cooldown.
Re-Volter, with Action Skill Start. Perfect for buffing your guns and your action skills.
Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge with a mag size passive. Other options are an Atom Balm Victory Rush for greater radsplosions, or a Snowdrift Victory Rush for better movement. Recommended passives on these two artifacts: action skill cooldown rate, area of effect damage in the 2nd or 3rd slot (which will also increase area radius), elemental damage, weapon type damage.
Whatever you find useful, with ASE 50% radiation anointment. If you're bossing, change this element to match the boss, but for general use, the radsplosions enabled by having bonus radiation damage are very useful.
Utility grenades: It's Piss, Hyperion Quasar (non sticky), Mesmer. Damage grenades, especially if holding the Guardian Angel: Lightspeed, Doc Hina's Miracle Bomb.
Grasp, shoot, and destroy. If you are wanting to deal damage with action skills or grenades, swap to Guardian Angel to perform those actions, then swap back to guns and start blastin'. This is probably the most straightforward Amara gun build, even with the few twists.
This sort of build can run into roadblocks when bossing or raid bossing. Either use Guardian Angel anointed to buff your Reverb or Phaseslam, or use a 250% Phasecast or 300% Phaseslam gun damage anoint on your guns. You can also cheese most bosses with Remnant: hold the Guardian Angel, Reverb a nearby mob, and Remnant will fly toward the closest enemy to you. If it hits the boss, the boss gets deleted. If it hits another enemy, Groundbreaker the boss.