Maliwan Takedown
Clearing the enemies on the turrets opens the gate, and Death Spheres spawn in the Ratch area. If you ignore the Death Spheres and continue on, they can later on park above the wall and shoot at you from afar. Most builds can deal with this, but some more fragile builds may need to take the time to kill the Death Spheres before moving on.
1. Jetpack Troopers can snipe your health away very quickly. If you have a red laser trained on you, that's a Jetpack Trooper about to attack, and you either need to break line of sight, stun them out of the air, or kill them quickly.
2. Badass Troopers if left alone will consistently down you with their powerful, fast firing guns. Badass Wardogs are the same.
3. Shock Heavies can instantly down a Deathless build, or render an Infernal Wish shield useless. Hackhounds are a similar type of threat, though they can't actually do any health damage.
Each Valkyrie does have a crit spot, even if it is hard to hit. Sigrdrifa's is on her waist, the narrowest part of her model. Sometimes it is more reliably hit when shot a little off-center. Hildr's is right in the middle of her chest, the easiest one to hit. Rota has the same crit spot as Sigrdrifa, but also a slightly larger area on her lower back, where it is colored black. When Rota drops down and is crouched while spawning the cryo drones, that is a perfect opportunity to loop around to her back and deal lots of damage.
Sometimes, when stunned, Death Spheres will unleash a continuous laser attack and move around erratically. It is nearly impossible to dodge, and the Death Sphere is nearly impossible to hit. This most often happens when they are stunned with a Face Puncher. If you have an attack that stuns the Spheres, make sure you can finish them off quickly, or you risk this attack.
If your attacks are mostly mono-elemental, you will likely run into heavies that are immune to that element, especially as Amara with her elemental attunement. There are a few ways of dealing with them.
1. The most obvious is to quickly change your action skill element, and then change it back once the heavy is dead. However, this is tedious, and sometimes not possible when there's lots of other dangerous enemies around (like the bridge) and you've chosen your particular elemental attunement for a reason.
2. If you have strong bonus elements, those can sometimes be enough to deal with the heavy. Notable examples are Urad and Re-Volter bonus elements, or ASE 50% bonus element anointments on your grenade and shield. You won't lifesteal with Sustainment off of these bonus elements, though; if a heavy is immune to your main attack element, you may need to briefly Sustain on a different nearby mob before finishing off the immune heavy.
3. A strong radiation attack, such as a radiation Fish Slap, is often useful for dealing with immune heavies, since there are no radiation immune heavies in the Maliwan Takedown.
4. You can deal your damage to other enemies, then kill the immune heavy with Groundbreaker. This may not be simple if your method of dealing Groundbreaker damage is also elemental, such as punching when specced into Illuminated Fist, or slamming when wearing a slam artifact. If one of those attacks is elemental, make sure the other one isn't, so you don't run into problems delivering Groundbreaker.
The quicker you can damage Wotan to his next immune phase, the smoother the fight will be. If he's able to stay in a certain phase long enough, he will spawn more and more adds, and the fight will eventually become overwhelming.
Wotan resists cryo, so unless you're Moze and specced Superior Firepower, it is the worst element to use on him. Corrosive is the best element. If you have little to no elemental damage increases, then kinetic/non-elemental is second best, as it does 80% damage vs armor. Shock would be third, at 65%, unless you have enough elemental damage increases to put it over the 80% of kinetic.
Note that the "Better Half" or flying half, after the split, is not cryo-resistant, and can even be frozen and dropped to the ground. The Better Half is also the only half that spawns adds, which may be necessary for a second wind. It does have a dangerous attack, though, so it's always a game time decision whether you take it out before or after the bottom half.
You can get one second wind by shooting the glass around the brain on Wotan's bottom half. The glass is a separate entity, and it counts as a kill when it "breaks".
The bottom half of Wotan is particularly vulnerable to a strong Phaseslam or Tandava attack. This is for two reasons. 1. The glass can be killed, spawning a Remnant orb inside the brain case, which then quickly makes contact inside Wotan's hitbox and finishes him off. 2. There are multiple hitboxes in Wotan's bottom half, one for Wotan himself, and one for each leg, even while the bottom half is still alive. You can see this in the following screenshot:

This is a single Tandava casted at Wotan's bottom half. You can see four separate instances of damage at the top, one for each leg, and there's another obscured one in the middle at the bottom. I believe this has to do with the ability of Tandava and Phaseslam to sort of "go through walls". They can penetrate some hitboxes, and it looks like that allows them to hit every part of Wotan, effectively quintupling your damage.