Lame Faker Amara
Revelation and Face Puncher build, in honor of one of the greatest builds of all time.
Moxsy's Game Breaker Amara used to be a crazy build where Amara would grasp enemies with Ties That Bind and every enemy within the linkage would instantly vaporize. This was mostly due to the fact that the damage from the Revelation augment would transfer through the Ties links. After the enemies were vaporized, you could redirect all of that damage with a Face Puncher through Groundbreaker at anyone unlucky enough to still be around. The build was nerfed in many ways, and basically no longer exists. This build seeks to emulate that playstyle (relatively poorly, considering the strength of the original). It's not a Game Breaker Amara, it's a Lame Faker Amara. Still, it can clear all content without too much trouble.
Instead of Revelation damage traveling along Ties That Bind, you're just going to have it hit enemies directly with splash radius increases. If it doesn't kill anything, the next best thing is for it to freeze your grasped enemy. Then you can direct melee or Unweave The Rainbow damage at the frozen enemy to finish them off.

The skills you are focused on here are ones that boost melee and action skill damage. 3 points are also given to Indiscriminate, which will be explained later.
Ties That Bind.
Always cryo, except against Wotan, for whom you switch to corrosive. With plenty of Do Harm stacks, a cryo Revelation nova will freeze most things, if it doesn't kill them.
Guardian Angel, with Urad anointment. The Guardian Angel damage bonus and the Urad bonus element will apply to the Revelation nova. This is the most effective way to increase its damage.
Face Puncher, preferably x7 pellets, with Urad anointment. This is for delivering the Groundbreaker damage accrued by Revelation, as well as finishing off a grasped enemy and any enemies still linked. The Urad bonus element will also apply to Groundbreaker.
Phasezerker. Skills do not matter. The most important part is having a Splash Damage Radius passive on it, so that your Revelation nova can hit more things. Other recommended passives: splash damage, action skill damage, melee damage, action skill cooldown rate.
Re-Volter with Action Skill Start anointment. The shock bonus element will also increase Revelation damage as well as apply to Groundbreaker.
Cryo Stone Deathless. The Cryo Stone is for freezing enemies with the Face Puncher. The most important part is having an Area of Effect passive in the 2nd or 3rd slot, because then it will increase the radius of your Revelation. Other recommended passives: action skill cooldown rate, melee damage, cryo damage, cryo efficiency.
Fish Slap in various elements, with ASE 50% Cryo damage anointment. This anointment will apply to Groundbreaker. Revelation isn't really strong enough for bossing, unfortunately, and neither is the Face Puncher in this loadout. The Fish Slap picks up the slack.
You can actually Fakegrasp to build up Do Harm stacks, if you so desire, but you can also just jump into the action. Stand far away to get a greater Guardian Angel bonus and use your grasp as often as possible to keep your stacks up. The lifted enemy will get hit with the Revelation nova, and hopefully it also hit some linked enemies. With lots of Do Harm, and assuming the enemies are not too tanky, everything should basically die instantly. Swap to your Face Puncher and fire at whatever else is around to deliver Groundbreaker damage.
If the grasped enemy is still alive, hopefully they are frozen. Frozen enemies take 300% damage from melee. You will also get bonus damage from Unweave the Rainbow. This also means you can simply not swap and shoot the Guardian Angel at the frozen enemy; the Guardian Angel does splash damage and will also get Unweave bonus damage. It will further annihilate anything still linked through Ties That Bind.
The Guardian Angel projectiles will also Indisriminate, further decimating enemies and giving you even more Groundbreaker damage should you want to swap to your Face Puncher.
If the grasped enemy is still alive and not frozen, simply try and whittle them down with your Face Puncher. Your Cryo Stone's damage will hopefully freeze them, allowing for an easy finish.
Beware, this is a Deathless build, and going into FFYL will make you lose Do Harm stacks. When you get back up, you will need to rebuild your stacks through continuous action skill usage. Generally, stay as far away from enemies as possible.
For bosses, hold the Guardian Angel, grasp, and throw a Fish. That should take care of it.