Hidden Tiger
An easy-going aggro-relieving amp-focused build made for snipers and launchers.
A deep green tree gun build in order to pick up the Glamour augment. Glamour, when paired with Ties That Bind, will basically de-aggro the whole battlefield, and any enemies that aren't turned into allies will instead target other enemies. Free to approach the fight without any interference, you can carefully apply a few very strong damage buffs: amp shields, Toboggan, and Overkill. While this build can create leisurely gameplay, there's a lot to understand about it.

Going deep green tree for Glamour isn't actually that much of a loss for gun builds. We still get nearly all of the strong skills.
Restless is maxed in blue tree because we are not using Expedite and because Glamour actually lengthens our cooldown. Restless is not a huge boost to cooldown but having Ties That Bind back that little bit faster is very nice.
You can take a few points away from Heavy Rain and lose cryo as an action skill element and instead pick up Sustainment. Personally, I don't find Sustainment necessary.
Ties That Bind. Optionally, base Phasegrasp for some bosses so you can double proc Transcend and so your action skill can begin cooling down while your anoints and other effects are still active.
Whatever element complements your gun vs the content you're facing. Shock if using Spiritual Driver for bossing (see Notes - Bossing section below).
Snipers and Rocket Launchers. My absolute favorite is the Bird of Prey - highly underrated and very effective, especially with Indiscriminate and Infernal Wish. Others that I use: Masterwork Crossbow, Love Drill, Hive, Major Kong, Hellwalker, Recursion, Yellowcake, Globetrottr, Backburner, Kickcharger, Sand Hawk (in semi-auto), Monocle, Ionic Disruptor. Other strong single-shot weapons such as the Kings/Queens call also work (I prefer the long scope so I can use them like snipers). The Lucky 7 can be made to work by having Dread refill your magazine.
All guns either with a gun damage anointment (Killstack, Consec Hits, ASE 100, even Grasp Active 150%) or a Next 2 Mags anointment. 125 Splash can also be used on launchers. When bossing with Spiritual Driver, use N2M on a launcher where both the gun element and the N2M element match vs whatever boss you're facing.
Phasezerker and Spiritual Driver. For the Phasezerker, skills don't matter; instead look for good passives: action skill cooldown rate, sniper damage, heavy weapon damage, pistol damage, weapon damage, splash damage, splash radius, weapon crit damage, Jakobs weapon crit. Driver is recommended for bosses, especially raid level HP bosses. Look for +3 into Mindfulness, and similar passives to the Phasezerker, leaning more towards heavy weapon damage and splash damage.
Best-in-slot is a double-amp Infernal Wish. But even without amp parts, a Wish is recommended. One-Shotter shield would be recommended for multi-pellet weapons such as the Hellwalker or Globetrottr or Sand Hawk. A "poor-man's" shield would be the 0.m, but make sure you stick to 1-2 pellet weapons with that. Anointment: ASE 50% bonus element.
Toboggan, with ideal passives being weapon-type damage, action skill cooldown rate, and Area of Effect in the 2nd or 3rd slot. A well-rolled Company Man could be a good substitute, if you don't like sliding between shots. Keep a Cutpurse on hand in case you run out of rocket ammo.
Mesmer with ASE 50% bonus element. This grenade is great for aggro relief between grasps.
To begin, grasp an enemy, and immediately all surrouding enemies will be linked and de-aggro to you. Make sure you've slid for Toboggan amp, and your amp shield is topped up. Fire at your grasped enemy. If that enemy didn't die, it's very likely a linked enemy did, granting you Overkill and triggering Shield Reboot so your amp shield is quickly filled for your next shot. Slide again and shoot again. Now your grasped enemy is dead, you have your ASE 50% bonus elements procced, and you have Overkill. Rinse and repeat. I'd recommend brushing up on your Overkill Upkeep if you aren't familiar.
This meticulous playstyle is made possible because Glamour controls the field. There are some very weird Glamour interactions, though. Grenades do not make contact with Glamoured enemies. If a Hack Hound or Anointed Militant is Glamoured, your shots will pass right through them - you have to either kill them through a TTB link or splash a surface next to them. The flying Sera Guardians, when Glamoured, will fly very high up while fighting each other. You will also see some Indiscriminate projectiles come towards you. Don't worry, in almost all cases they can't hurt you. Just don't use the Headsplosion :)
Glamour and Ties that Bind is strong enough that I've taken this build through the entire True Maliwan Takedown bridge area with the Monocle while taking zero damage from enemies.
Equip the Spiritual Driver and switch your action skill element to shock. How does one use an amp shield with the Driver? By simply waiting 3 seconds for the shock dot to wear off, after which you have 5 seconds with your Mindfulness stacks to slide very fast and shoot a rocket launcher buffed by a ton of Driver gun damage, your Toboggan amp, your shield amp (or simply a second projectile from the Wish), and all of your anointments. ASE anointments are activated immediately upon grasping a boss. Yes, this forces you to have a small amount of shock Infusion (16%) against an armored or flesh HP boss, but that's worth the tradeoff for being able to get your shield amp.
There are a couple scenarios where you want to switch your element to corrosive, and that's during boss fights where it's impossible to keep your shield topped up anyway. Notably, vs Hemovorous where there's so much being thrown at you, and vs Anathema where the radiation bubbles dot you. Switching to corrosive lets you keep up your Mindfulness stacks longer, because it's a longer dot. Use the Infernal Wish and you're set.
As mentioned above, you may also want to consider switching to base Phasegrasp for some bosses so you can double proc Transcend and so your action skill can begin cooling down while your anoints and other effects are still active. The tradeoff is that any adds that spawn will be aggro to you, and may make it hard to keep your amp shield full.