Fission Amara
Phasecast and gun-based Urad build that creates chaos through cryo and radiation.
Fission Amara is one of the two builds I originally made in 2020 after the purple tree came out, along with its sister build Oblivion Amara. Here it is updated for level 72, and it's very strong. This is a Deathless Urad build, although it has significant defensive capabilities and can be played very safely at the expense of a little damage.

Tandava for general usage, Reverberation for bossing, with the special Reverberation technique.
Always cryo, except against Wotan, where you switch to corrosive.
Guardian Angel, with the Urad anointment.
Anything cryo and splash, with the Urad anointment. My favorites: Beacon, Kaoson, Boogeyman, Sand Hawk, Flipper, Anarchy, Insider, Soulrender, Plaguebearer, Backburner.
If you're using a less powerful gun for your shooting, it may not be strong enough to get you back up from FFYL, so carrying something like a Urad Free Radical or Plasma Coil may be wise.
Stone or Phasezerker. For the Stone, look for points into Awakening and Do Harm. Awakening boosts the effectiveness of the damage reduction that Stone grants, and allows you to take lots more damage as a Deathless build. Do Harm boosts your action skill damage, which makes lots of your attacks more effective: Unweave The Rainbow, Free The Soul, Remnant, Tandava, Reverberation. For the Phasezerker, look for points into Conflux. The other two skills don't help.
Recommended passives: weapon damage, action skill cooldown rate, action skill damage, splash damage, splash damage radius, weapon crit damage, weapon type damage.
Re-Volter with Action Skill Start anointment or Beskar with a Reflect part with an ASE 50% bonus element anointment. For the Re-Volter, ideal parts are triple Turtle, with triple Absorb being next best.
For the Beskar, the Reflect part is essential. The reflect ability on legendary shields still lets you take damage when a projectile is reflected. The Reflect part that appears on purple shields and some legendaries negates damage when the reflect chance rolls. When the Beskar rolls with a Reflect part, and you enter FFYL once and get a second wind, the Beskar's legendary reflect ability "breaks" and it takes on the properties of the Reflect part. Because the Beskar has a 100% reflect chance, after that point, it will reflect 100% of projectiles without letting them damage you. This does not negate all damage, however; indirect splash can still damage you, and if a projectile dots you, you will take that dot damage.
Ice Breaker Deathless. The most important passive is Area of Effect in the 2nd or 3rd slot, which will also increase area damage radius. Other recommended passives: action skill cooldown rate, movespeed, cryo damage, radiation damage, weapon type damage.
For bosses, you can swap out to Snowdrift Deathless, which makes avoiding damage during the Wotan fight much easier, and makes navigating the Anathema fight much simpler.
It's Piss or Hyperion Quasar (non sticky) or Mesmer, with ASE 50% bonus element. Anything utility oriented like these works just fine.
Choose your loadout first; you have two classmods and two shields to choose from. Stone will be slightly stronger action skill effects and great defense, while Phasezerker will be slightly better cooldown and better gun damage. Re-Volter will increase DPS massively, while a Reflect Beskar will be massive defense. In an area like the Guardian Takedown where it's relatively easy to avoid damage, you can put on the Phasezerker and Re-Volter. On the Maliwan Takedown bridge where it's relatively hard to survive as a Deathless build, you can put on the Stone and Beskar and be basically indestructible. My overall favorite is Stone + Re-Volter.
Other than that, you cast, you shoot, you destroy.
Builds such as this have an inherent way to take out most raid bosses by Reverbing a mob and letting either Remnant hit the boss or letting it hit another mob and then you Groundbreaker the boss. Some of the weaker raid bosses can be Reverbed directly.