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The try-hard grenade build.



Want to see the Fastball hit for hundreds of millions of damage? Want to make the Lightspeed seem like it's double dipping as it chews through raid boss HP bars? Want to be a little try-hard about making grenades really strong? This is the build for you.

Unlike the other grenade build on this site, Phase Yeet, this build is very active. Also unlike that build, this one is rather easy to understand.




boomfist skill tree.png
boomfist action skill.png


Over-specced into blue, nothing in green. Don't worry, Blight Tiger is not necessary. Max Violent Tapestry for the occasional freeze via Terror Cryo.



Fist Over Matter. Grenades go *boom*, Fist Over Matter goes.... *fist*? But also *boom*. Whatever, don't think too hard about it.



Either fire or shock. The actual element you need to worry about is that of your grenade, which will be either fire, shock, or corrosive. If you can match your action skill element to your grenade (i.e., fire or shock), then great. If your grenade is corrosive, then your action skill element should be whatever is second best for the content you're up against. Fire is almost always gonna be second best, the exception being when you're fighting Guardians.

Action skill augment is either Expedite or Allure. The former for more Fist Over Matter activations, the latter for more aggro-control / defense. Dealer's choice.



Guardian Angel, with Terror Cryo anointment.



Face Puncher, with Melee Apply Terror anointment. You'll be regularly swapping to this to keep terror stacks up (and sometimes deliver Groundbreaker).


Low level Sellout. Anointment not necessary. You will also be regularly swapping to this to keep yourself dotted, which activates Elemental Projector, Burn Both Ends, and the Golden Rule class mod.

Protip: turn dialog volume all the way down if you do not wish to hear Amara screaming from self-dots all of the time.



Free Radical with Consecutive Hits or Terror Cryo anointment.



Golden Rule, with points into both Laid Bare and Mindfulness being very helpful. Normally, Fist Over Matter is a clunky action skill because of its duration and long cooldown. This class mod (and self-dotting with the Sellout) help shorten that cooldown substantially.

Recommended passives: grenade damage, splash damage, action skill damage, mag size, splash radius, grenade radius, action skill cooldown rate, Hyperion weapon critical hit damage (for when the Lightspeed crits while you're holding the Guardian Angel).



Re-Volter, with Terror Health Regen anointment. Even though this build has Sustainment, and plenty of elemental damage instances with Fist Over Matter and your grenades, it's still a bit squishy. Burn Both Ends makes enemies *very* angry. Additionally, your Sellout self-dot will be steadily eating away at your HP and shield, because holding the Guardian Angel will boost that damage x6.

I very highly recommend finding a Re-Volter with at least one shield charge augment. That way, you can keep reactivating its effect by picking up a shield charge, which allows your self-dot to immediately deplete the shield again, refreshing the Re-Volter bonus. This is as opposed to relying on the Shield Reboot Guardian Rank perk, which requires a kill.



Elemental Projector Victory Rush. The Elemental Projector is the more important part, here, so a purple one with good passives will be much more effective than a Vic Rush with bad passives. This artifact will boost the damage of your grenade's element, your Re-Volter bonus element, and the element of your Fist Over Matter.

Recommended passives: grenade damage, area damage in 2nd or 3rd slot, fire/shock/corrosive damage, mag size, move speed, action skill cooldown rate.



The only downside to this build is that the grenade options are somewhat limited. The upside is that the options we do have are extremely strong.

Any of the following grenades in fire, shock, and/or corrosive, with the Terror Dmg/Fire Rate anointment: Fastball, Lightspeed, double or triple sticky Hyperion Longbow, Ghast Call, Doc Hina's Miracle Bomb. A shock Hex can do low level content.



Choose a grenade of the appropriate element for the content you are facing. Match your action skill element to it if you can, otherwise choose the 2nd best option between fire and shock. Set your Sellout to corrosive (it should *always* be set to corrosive on this build). Then, in any order, grasp an enemy, shoot an enemy with your Face Puncher to generate terror, and dot yourself with the Sellout. At that point you're ready to swap to the Guardian Angel and start chucking grenades.

In the midst of battle, do whatever needs doing - if your self-dot is running out, swap to the Sellout and re-up it. If Fist Over Matter is cooled down, go ahead and grasp something. Shoot the Face Puncher regularly to keep up terror. You get the idea. Whenever you aren't doing those things, you should be chucking grenades with the Guardian Angel.

The chaos created by your grenades, Fist Over Matter, and Remnant should start wiping everything out. Even vs raid bosses, you don't need to switch off the Lightspeed if you don't want to, despite the Ghast Call and double/triple sticky Longbow being stronger. Hemo, for example, is totally pwned by Fist Over Matter.

The constant re-depleting of your shield as you pick up shield charges may be a little jarring and make you think you're being attacked when you aren't. You'll get used to it.



This build requires you to play on Mayhem 10 with the More Than Okay Boomer easy modifier, so you don't run out of grenades.​

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